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Customisation of output can use one of these entries as a starting point. A custom layout should look like one of the entries in level 2 of this nested list, containing 4 named entries, one for each type of table summary.





A names list of lists:

level one

The name of the table layout

level two

The name of the summary type required. one of subtype_count, median_iqr,mean_sd,skipped

level three

a named list of column=glue specification pairs. The column (itself a glue spec) might reference N_total, N_present or .unit but typically will be a fixed string- it defines the name of the table column to generate. The glue specification defines the layout of that column, and can use summary statistics as below


can use level, prob.0.5, prob.0.025, prob.0.975, unit, n, N. n is subgroup count, N is data count.


can use q.0.5, q.0.25, ..., unit, n, N - n excludes missing, N does not.


can use mean, sd, unit, n, N - n excludes missing, N does not.


can use n, N - n excludes missing, N does not.