The opposite of suppressWarnings()
. This will immediately error if a warning
if thrown by expr
. This is useful to track down the source of a random
and to prevent Rs permissive approach to data transformations. It is also
useful to identify where in the code a intermittent rlang
warning is being
issued once every 8 hours.
#> Error : NAs introduced by coercion
try(escalate(rlang::warn("test", .frequency="regularly", .frequency_id = "asdasdasasdd")))
#> Error : test
try(escalate(rlang::warn("test", .frequency="regularly", .frequency_id = "asdasdasasdd")))
#> Error : test
try(escalate(rlang::warn("test", .frequency="regularly", .frequency_id = "asdasdasasdd")))
#> Error : test
try(escalate(rlang::warn("test", .frequency="regularly", .frequency_id = "asdasdasasdd")))
#> Error : test
# options("rlib_warning_verbosity"=NULL)
# options("rlib_warning_verbosity"="verbose")
# "lifecycle_verbosity"="warning"