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ivalidate(...) is intended to be used within a function to check the validity of a data frame parameter (usually the first parameter) against an ispec which is given as a default value of a formal parameter.


ivalidate(df = NULL, ..., .imap = imapper(), .prune = FALSE, .default = NULL)



a dataframe - if missing then the first parameter of the calling function is assumed to be a dataframe.


not used but ivalidate should be included in call to inherit .imap from the caller function.


a set of mappings as an imapper object.


get rid of excess columns that are not in the spec.


a default dataframe conforming to the specification. This overrides any defaults defined in the interface specification


a dataframe based on df with validity checks passed and .imap

mappings applied if present


x = function(df = iface(col1 = integer ~ "an integer column" ), ...) {
  df = ivalidate(...)
input=tibble::tibble(col1 = c(1,2,3))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 1
#>    col1
#>   <int>
#> 1     1
#> 2     2
#> 3     3

# This fails because col1 is not coercable to integer
input2=tibble::tibble(col1 = c(1.5,2,3))
#> Error : input column `col1` in function parameter `x(df = ?)` cannot be coerced to a integer: not a true integer input