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An iface specification defines the expected structure of a dataframe, in terms of the column names, column types, grouping structure and uniqueness constraints that the dataframe must conform to. A dataframe can be tested for conformance to an iface specification using iconvert.


iface(..., .groups = NULL, .default = NULL)



The specification of the interface (see details), or an unnamed iface object to extend, or both.


either FALSE for no grouping allowed or a formula of the form ~ var1 + var2 + ... which defines what columns must be grouped in the dataframe (and in which order). If NULL (the default) then any grouping is permitted. If the formula contains a dot e.g. ~ . + var1 + var2 then the grouping must include var1 and var2 but other groups are also allowed.


a default value to supply if there is nothing given in a function parameter using the iface as a formal. This is either NULL in which case there is no default, TRUE in which case the default is a zero row dataframe conforming to the specification, or a provided dataframe, which is checked to conform, and used as the default.


the definition of an interface as a iface object


An iface specification is designed to be used to define the type of a parameter in a function. This is done by using the iface specification as the default value of the parameter in the function definition. The definition can then be validated at runtime by a call to ivalidate(...) inside the function.

When developing a function output an iface specification may also be used in ireturn(...) to enforce that the output of a function is correct.

iface definitions can be printed and included in roxygen2 documentation and help us to document input dataframe parameters and dataframe return values in a standardised way by using the @iparam roxygen2 tag.

iface specifications are defined in the form of a named list of formulae with the structure column_name = type ~ "documentation".

type can be one of anything, character, complete, date, default, double, enum, factor, finite, group_unique, in_range, integer, logical, not_missing, numeric, of_type, positive_double, positive_integer, proportion (e.g. enum(level1,level2,...), in_range(min,max)) or alternatively anything that resolves to a function e.g. as.ordered.

If type is a function name, then the function must take a single vector parameter and return a single vector of the same size. The function must also return a zero length vector of an appropriate type if passed NULL.

type can also be a concatenation of rules separated by +, e.g. integer + group_unique for an integer that is unique within a group.


test_df = tibble::tibble(
  grp = c(rep("a",10),rep("b",10)), 
  col1 = c(1:10,1:10)
) %>% dplyr::group_by(grp)

my_iface = iface( 
  col1 = integer + group_unique ~ "an integer column",
  .default = test_df

#> A dataframe containing the following columns: 
#> * col1 (integer + group_unique) - an integer column
#> No mandatory groupings.
#> A default value is defined.

# the function x defines a formal `df` with default value of `my_iface`
# this default value is used to validate the structure of the user supplied
# value when the function is called.
x = function(df = my_iface, ...) {
  df = ivalidate(df,...)

# this works
x(tibble::tibble(col1 = c(1,2,3)))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 1
#>    col1
#>   <int>
#> 1     1
#> 2     2
#> 3     3

# this fails as x is of the wrong type
try(x(tibble::tibble(col1 = c("a","b","c"))))
#> Error : input column `col1` in function parameter `x(df = ?)` cannot be coerced to a integer + group_unique: NAs introduced by coercion

# this fails as x has duplicates
try(x(tibble::tibble(col1 = c(1,2,3,3))))
#> Error : input column `col1` in function parameter `x(df = ?)` cannot be coerced to a integer + group_unique: values are not unique within each group; check grouping is correct

# this gives the default value
#> # A tibble: 20 × 2
#> # Groups:   grp [2]
#>    grp    col1
#>    <chr> <int>
#>  1 a         1
#>  2 a         2
#>  3 a         3
#>  4 a         4
#>  5 a         5
#>  6 a         6
#>  7 a         7
#>  8 a         8
#>  9 a         9
#> 10 a        10
#> 11 b         1
#> 12 b         2
#> 13 b         3
#> 14 b         4
#> 15 b         5
#> 16 b         6
#> 17 b         7
#> 18 b         8
#> 19 b         9
#> 20 b        10

my_iface2 = iface(
  first_col = numeric ~ "column order example",
  last_col = character ~ "another col", .groups = ~ first_col + col1
#> A dataframe containing the following columns: 
#> * first_col (numeric) - column order example
#> * col1 (integer + group_unique) - an integer column
#> * last_col (character) - another col
#> Must be grouped by: first_col + col1 (exactly).
#> No default value.

my_iface_3 = iface( 
  col1 = integer + group_unique ~ "an integer column",
  .default = test_df_2
x = function(d = my_iface_3) {ivalidate(d)}

# Doesn't work as test_df_2 hasn't been defined
#> Error in eval(ex, env) : object 'test_df_2' not found

test_df_2 = tibble::tibble(
  grp = c(rep("a",10),rep("b",10)), 
  col1 = c(1:10,1:10)
) %>% dplyr::group_by(grp)

# now it works as has been defined
#> # A tibble: 20 × 2
#> # Groups:   grp [2]
#>    grp    col1
#>    <chr> <int>
#>  1 a         1
#>  2 a         2
#>  3 a         3
#>  4 a         4
#>  5 a         5
#>  6 a         6
#>  7 a         7
#>  8 a         8
#>  9 a         9
#> 10 a        10
#> 11 b         1
#> 12 b         2
#> 13 b         3
#> 14 b         4
#> 15 b         5
#> 16 b         6
#> 17 b         7
#> 18 b         8
#> 19 b         9
#> 20 b        10

# it still works as default has been cached.
#> # A tibble: 20 × 2
#> # Groups:   grp [2]
#>    grp    col1
#>    <chr> <int>
#>  1 a         1
#>  2 a         2
#>  3 a         3
#>  4 a         4
#>  5 a         5
#>  6 a         6
#>  7 a         7
#>  8 a         8
#>  9 a         9
#> 10 a        10
#> 11 b         1
#> 12 b         2
#> 13 b         3
#> 14 b         4
#> 15 b         5
#> 16 b         6
#> 17 b         7
#> 18 b         8
#> 19 b         9
#> 20 b        10