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This function is designed to be used by a package author within an enclosing function. The enclosing function is assumed to take as input a dataframe and have an iface specified for that dataframe.


igroup_process(df = NULL, fn, ...)



a dataframe from an enclosing function in which the grouping may or may not have been correctly supplied.


a function to call with the correctly grouped dataframe as specified by the iface in the enclosing function.


passed onto iconvert this could be used to supply .prune parameters. triple dot parameters in the enclosing function will be separately handled and automatically passed to fn so in general should not be passed to igroup_process as an intermediary although it probably won't hurt. This behaviour is similar to NextMethod in S3 method dispatch.


the result of calling fn(df, ...) on each unexpected group


This function detects when the grouping of the input has additional groups over and above those in the specification and intercepts them, regrouping the dataframe and applying fn group-wise using an equivalent of a dplyr::group_modify. The parameters provided to the enclosing function will be passed to fn and they should have compatible method signatures.


# This specification requires that the dataframe is grouped only by the color
# column
i_diamond_price = interfacer::iface(
  color = enum(`D`,`E`,`F`,`G`,`H`,`I`,`J`, .ordered=TRUE) ~ "the color column",
  price = integer ~ "the price column",
  .groups = ~ color

# An example function which would be exported in a package
ex_mean = function(df = i_diamond_price, extra_param = ".") {
  # When called with a dataframe with extra groups `igroup_process` will 
  # regroup the dataframe according to the structure 
  # defined for `i_diamond_price` and apply the inner function to each group
  # after first calling `ivalidate` on each group.
    # the real work of this function is provided as an anonymous inner
    # function (but can be any other function e.g. package private function)
    # or a purrr style lambda.
    function(df, extra_param) {
      message(extra_param, appendLF = FALSE)
      return(df %>% dplyr::summarise(mean_price = mean(price)))

# The correctly grouped dataframe. The `ex_mean` function calculates the mean
# price for each `color` group.
ggplot2::diamonds %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(color) %>% 
  ex_mean(extra_param = "without additional groups...") %>% 
#> without additional groups...
#> Rows: 7
#> Columns: 2
#> $ color      <ord> D, E, F, G, H, I, J
#> $ mean_price <dbl> 3169.954, 3076.752, 3724.886, 3999.136, 4486.669, 5091.875,…
# If an additionally grouped dataframe is provided by the user. The `ex_mean` 
# function calculates the mean price for each `cut`,`clarity`, and `color` 
# combination.

ggplot2::diamonds %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(cut, color, clarity) %>% 
  ex_mean() %>% 
#> .
#> .
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#> .
#> Rows: 276
#> Columns: 4
#> Groups: cut, clarity [40]
#> $ cut        <ord> Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair,…
#> $ clarity    <ord> I1, I1, I1, I1, I1, I1, I1, SI2, SI2, SI2, SI2, SI2, SI2, S…
#> $ color      <ord> D, E, F, G, H, I, J, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, D, E, F, G, H, I,…
#> $ mean_price <dbl> 7383.000, 2095.222, 2543.514, 3187.472, 4212.962, 3501.000,…
# The output of this is actually grouped by cut then clarity as
# color is consumed by the igroup_dispatch summarise.