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Define a conformance rule to match a factor with specific levels.


type.enum(..., .drop = FALSE, .ordered = FALSE)



the levels (no quotes, backticks if required)


should levels present in the data and not specified cause an error (FALSE the default) or be silently dropped to NA values (TRUE).


must the factor be ordered


a function that can check and convert input into the factor with specified levels. This will re-level factors with matching levels but in a different order.


f = type.enum(one,two,three)
#> [1] three two   one  
#> Levels: one two three
f(factor(rep(1:3,5), labels = c("one","two","three")))
#>  [1] one   two   three one   two   three one   two   three one   two   three
#> [13] one   two   three
#> Levels: one two three